Kanban for Large Organizations – Video
Use Kanban to manage processes that span multiple functional organizations and management hierarchies.
Learn How to Write Great User Stories
Learn the best practices and avoid the six most common mistakes
MVPs, MMFs, and MMPs Untangled
Confused about MVPs, MMFs, and MMPs? Time to set things straight.
Agility is More than Just Speed – Video
Agility combines speed, flexibility, and control
Manage Software Solution Constraints Step-by-Step
Constraints are your friends. Stop treating them like obstacles.
Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs) in Agile Projects – Video
NFRs are part of Agile projects too. Here’s how to handle them.
Stop Managing Software Projects
Manage Software Products Instead
What are User Story Maps? – Video
Improve Product Backlog Ordering and Prioritization
Building an Agile Project Schedule? Do this Instead
Project Roadmaps are a much better fit.
The Price of Doing User Stories Wrong – Video
Avoid these common user story mistakes.
Using JIRA Does Not Make You Agile
How you use “Agile” support tools could sabotage your agility
Why Integrate Agile, DevOps, & Microservices?
Increase development and organizational agility, and better serve stakeholders, by integrating Agile, DevOps, and microservices approaches.
Comparing WBS vs. Product Backlog – Video
Two very different ways of managing project scope
Functional vs. Non-Functional Requirements – Infographic
An infographic to help your team understand the difference between functional and non-functional requirements (NFRs)
What is a Product Backlog? – Video
The Agile Cheetah Channel explains the Product Backlog
What is a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)? – Video
The Agile Cheetah Channel explains the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
The Anti-Agile Manifesto
Meet Agile’s evil twin
Fixed-Price Contracts Can be Agile
Fixed-price contracts don’t have to kill agility.
Agile Teams Release Frequently
Frequent releases help buy down project risk while making valuable software capabilities available sooner.
Four Traits of Ineffective Product Owners
Avoid these Product Owner pitfalls to achieve greater product clarity and better team execution.
Traditional vs. Agile Risk Management
System integration software projects require formal risk management. Here’s how to do it agilely.
Agile, Waterfall, or Nothing at All?
Balancing team autonomy with project control
Agile Cheetah Now Has a YouTube Channel!
Agile Cheetah just added a YouTube channel to our list of platforms. This is another way for us to share knowledge about Agile, DevOps, and
Managing Software Project Scope: WBS vs. Product Backlog
Both decompose project scope in very different ways.
Handling Non-Functional Requirements in Agile Projects
Yes. You have to address non-functional requirements in Agile software projects. Here’s how.
Why So Many Developers are Fed Up with Agile (Pt. 4)
Changing Expectations for Developers
Why So Many Developers are Fed Up with Agile (Pt. 3)
Top-Down Driven Agile
Why So Many Developers are Fed Up with Agile (Pt. 2)
Greater Visibility & Oversight with Less Control
Why So Many Developers are Fed Up with Agile (Pt. 1)
The Never-Ending Agile Grind
Will an Agile Certification help me get a Job?
It could, but choose wisely
The Five Most Important Factors in Prioritizing Product Backlogs
Achieve effective Product Backlog ordering by optimally balancing five competing factors
Business Agility Depends on Culture
While most organizations would benefit greatly from attaining business agility, many do not possess cultures amenable to Agile transformation.
Three Reasons Business Analysts Need Product Owner Skills
Product ownership skills are key to increasing your marketability and versatility
The Real Price of Doing User Stories Wrong
Good user stories help deliver system scope in slices.
Proposing a Definition of Agile
A definition of Agile applicable to all technical and non-technical projects that avoids discussing particular flavors of Agile or comparing Agile to Waterfall
The Agile Manifesto Explained
Setting the Record Straight
Delivering Solutions Faster through Agile
It’s not about working longer and harder.
Looking for an “Agilish” approach to Agile? (pt. 3)
When Agilish is the Only Choice
Looking for an “Agilish” approach to Agile? (pt. 2)
Why Government goes “Agilish”
Looking for an “Agilish” approach to Agile? (pt. 1)
Don’t! But if you must …
Pass the AWS Solutions Architect Associate Exam
How an AWS noob prepared for and passed the exam
What’s wrong with “Agile Training”?
Disappointed with the results of Agile training? There is a better way.
Deliver Valuable Solutions through Scrum (Part III)
Leveraging Impact Maps, User Story Maps, and Product Roadmaps to Align Organizational and IT Product Strategy using Scrum
Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) are Built Incrementally & Iteratively
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Deliver Valuable Solutions through Scrum (Part II)
Product Owners are responsible for top-down and bottom-up alignment of IT solution business value
Deliver Valuable Solutions through Scrum (Part I)
Building the right thing is as important as building things right. Scrum aligns organizational strategy and IT via a product management mindset.
What is the Proper Role for Project Managers in Scrum?
An interesting 2017 conference white paper is circulating in Agile forums. It addresses the question, “Which Scrum role should project managers assume on an Agile-Scrum
Empty the Cup: Avoid “Hybrid Agile”
Federal “Hybrid Agile” is an ill-conceived and counterproductive approach to Agile rooted in federal acquisitions culture rather than in proven software/systems engineering practices.
Who is Your Product Owner? Product Development vs. Systems Integration Environments
Understanding the difference between product development and system integration projects helps better define the Product Owner role and the Product Management structure necessary for project
Putting the Federal Government in the Agile Driver’s Seat
The definition of system features and scope in federal Agile and SAFe development efforts is an inherently governmental responsibility.
At Large Scale, DevOps is not Enough
For the large-scale, software-intensive, systems-of-systems integration projects typically funded by the Federal Government, DevOps alone is not enough. The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) fully incorporates
Five Things You Must Understand about Agile Team Velocity
Agile team velocity is an often misunderstood concept that is prone to misapplication. This article sets the record straight.
Scaling Agile within the Federal Government Presentation at the Washington DC PMI Chapter
I want to thank the Washington DC PMI chapter for the opportunity to present the topic, “Scaling Agile within the Federal Government” last Wednesday, 27
Article Review: The New New Product Development Game
A look back at a 1986 Harvard Business Review article provides insight into the roots of Agile and its application.
Down with the Agilistas!
Are you an “Agilist” or an “Agilista”?